chiropractic Care Help your body heal itself. The nervous system is responsible for relating our external environment to our internal physiology, and it controls and coordinates the function of all the other systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune. Therefore, good health depends on the free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to every part of the body. When any of these nerve signals become altered or distorted, the vital communication system is disrupted, which can result in pain and illness. These neurological disruptions are caused by skeletal misalignments called subluxations. Chiropractic adjustments eliminate subluxations and restore nerve system function by facilitating the best possible communication between the brain and all organs, tissues and cells in the body. At Absolute Health & Chiropractic, we have many diagnostic tools to identify subluxations in our clients, so we can provide them with customized care. Regular chiropractic adjustments give the body the ability to express a greater state of health and wellbeing naturally, without the use of drugs or surgery.
Mooloolaba: Shop 2, 21 Smith Street | Mooloolaba, 4557 | Phone: (07) 5478 2333 Nambour Clinic | 42 Howard Street Nambour, 4560| Phone: (07) 5441 4768 Please click here to see our other site
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